The Bugbugs Cycle funeral hearse.


BugBugs is at the forefront of providing cycle funerals.

Many people who were passionate about the environment and green politics in life often wish to have an eco-friendly funeral - in such cases our Bespoke hearse trike can be provided.

We are sensitive to the wishes of individuals who desire a green service after one of our riders passed away at the very young age of 23. In his memory we now provide this last mile by bike service.

We belive that every end should also be a begining. A funeral is often about regrowth and renewal & many families have appreciated our courteous and friendly advice in these matters.

Our cycle hearses can be flamboyant or low-key. Flowers and decoration can be arranged according to the wishes of family and friends.

Everything is tailor-made to the individual without compromising or polluting the world around us, for more information contact Green Endings who are our partners in providing cycle hearses.

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